Cesar & Soledad Arjona

Cesar & Soledad Arjona

Cesar Arjona and Soledad Chang Ortiz left their provincial hometowns in their mid-twenties to start their secondary education in the capital city after helping their younger siblings complete their education. They both required special tutoring in mathematics since they had skipped the first three years of secondary schooling. And so, the two met, became high school sweethearts, and on graduation day, were married so that Cesar could start work in his native province as principal of an elementary school where Soledad would start teaching second grade. They conceived eight children, but only their third child was destined to live. Cesar later became a member of the engineering team that surveyed the Republic of Panama. On several occasions, he served as Deputy (senator) in the National Assembly. Soledad, who was not allowed to study nursing, her first avocation, later became a certified public accountant, and worked primarily for the family business.